当前位置 首页 综艺 《恶魔之浴【影视解说】》


类型:影视解说  奥地利 德国  2024 

主演:安雅·普拉施格 玛利亚·霍夫斯塔尔 达维德·沙伊德 Tim Valer 

导演:赛佛林·费奥拉 维罗妮卡·弗兰茨 



Upper Austria in 1750. A fish pond reflects the overcast sky. A deep, dark forest swallows the sunlight. On a hilltop, the corpse of a hanged woman is displayed. As an example. A warning. An omen? The deeply religious and highly sensitive Agnes regards the dead woman with pity. But also with longing: she feels like a stranger in the world of her husband Wolf, whom she has just married. It is an emotionally cold world consisting of work, chores and expectations. Agnes increasingly withdraws into herself. Her internal prison becomes ever more oppressive, her melancholy more overwhelming. Soon, her only way out seems to be a shocking act of violence.



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